Balance is important for design and your work-life

Balance – Why it’s important for your life and your design

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Balance can apply to many aspects of life. Work-life balance is often referred to. Some people see work-life balance as an impossible dream. Others see it as essential for wellbeing. Balance is also important in design. As I see creativity as being an important element of work-life balance here is my take on balance – why it’s important for your life and your design. For a snapshot of inspiration see @createworklifebalance.

Balance in design has various elements. Here’s a selection with my comparison to show that they can equally be applied to your work-life balance. Do you see balance as important for your life and for your design?

Colour creates impact in design


Design – Colour creates impact. Selection & blending of colours are critical design elements.

Work-life -What do you do to put colour in your life? Your mood and attitude can be impacted by colours. My love of green means I feel rejuvenated in rainforests.

Variety delivers the unexpected


Design –  Variety delivers the unexpected. Elements of surprise can capture attention.

Work-life -Do you take on new challenges? Although there is so much around about how we resist change – we can actually thrive on variety. My love of travel means I thrive on seeing new places.

Value indicates importance


Design – Value indicates importance. How designers chose to place elements gives visual cues of what the designer wants to capture your attention.

Work-life -What is important for you? Understanding and aligning with your values gives you a sense of calm. My family values mean I love the time I spend with my relatives.

Weight & size emphasise significance


Design – Weight & size emphasise significance. Emphasis is placed on what counts in the design.

Work-life -What are the ‘must have’ elements in your life? Are you giving them the right amount of weight? My love of creativity means I fit creative projects into my life.

Position indicates prominence and when done well provides balance


Design – Position indicates prominence. Designers place key elements to draw the eye to what matters.

Work-life -What focus do you put on key elements in your life? Prioritising what matters to you gives you a sense of balance. My love of music means I ensure I fit playing music into my life.

Experience for you

To give readers’ experiences here’s something for you to apply balance in your life.

  1. Think about your favourite colour? How does it show up in your life?
  2. When was the last time you bought an unusual ingredient at the supermarket?
  3. Consider whether you value material objects or experiences more?
  4. Think about how you give weight to what matters in your life?
  5. Does focusing on what matters to you give you a sense of balance?

Let me know what these questions show you about your life.

Applying Balance

A public servant who

  • Ensures creativity, through design, music and more, is part of her life
  • Walks in nature to soak up the beauty
  • Fits in time with family and friends

 A stained glass artist who

  • Selects brilliant colours and places them carefully to create impact
  • Chooses shapes that contrast to add another dimension
  • Positions all components of balance intentionally resulting in a magnificent stained glass

How will you apply balance to your life and design?

Here’s a link if you’d like to know more about Creativity Benefits – Fuel for your mind and your work life balance