Professionals calming their minds, connecting on an adventure - going to so many destinations. Where will Mindset in Moments take you?

How Professionals calm their minds and focus on what matters

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How Professionals calm their mind - with Adventures and Acceptance

Professionals calm their minds

How can professionals calm their minds when they have demanding jobs and are always on the go? Helping professionals calm their minds – to focus on what matters – in just moments is what Mindset in Moments is about. Do you want to start on a journey and see where it takes you? I can’t wait to find out where your adventure leads. Interested? Message me in contacts.

Calm your mind on a journey - Bon Voyage and Beauty - whenever you need it

Registration is now open

For a 6 week journey – Mindset in Momentsa journey for you mind

Yesterday I let you know about my Mindset in Moments app.

I’m looking for professionals with racing minds that leave them unable to unwind and relax. Professionals who would like to calm their minds and take a journey with me.  Mindset in Moments helps professionals create work‑life balance with a focus on calming their minds, enabling them to focus on what really matters in their lives, access positive emotions at will and generate a sense of freedom.

Connecting with community is a wonderful way to feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

A Journey to calm your mind

On 8 March 2023, these founding members will start a journey to see what is possible with a calm mind. This journey will take you to places you never expected. I’m excited to see where your flight lands – Which destinations you’ll love? and How easy you find accessing an escape without needing tickets or passports.

Would you love to stop being consumed by your worries? Are you yearning for a quietened mind? As it was once described to me – Even a sports car needs to put the brakes on.

Join other professionals on an adventure, share your experiences and celebrate your achievements together. Connection is a great way to get a new perspective – and travel makes it so much fun.

Does this sound exciting to you?

What are your dream destinations? Where will your journey take you?

6 week journey to relax- Mindset in Moments

Together we will work to give you simple tools to experience, calming your mind and so much more over 6 weeks.

Starting with Week 1 – Adventures and Acceptance

Week 2 – Bon Voyage and Beauty

Week 3 – Connections and Community

Week 4 – Destinations and Desires

Week 5 – Emotions and Escapes

Plus Week 6 – Freedom and Festivities

Professionals can avoid burnout by accessing emotions and fitting in escapes without leaving your home.

Journey Bonuses

Mindset in Moments – is a journey for your mind, designed to take your mind on a journey around the world. With this I’m also offering the following bonuses:

Journey Bonus #1 – Travel Lounge Tips – Weekly connections

Bonus #2 – Relaxation Regime – mindset tips for relaxation

Bonus #3 – Tranquil Mind Traveller connections – Community

Bonus #4 – De-stress on Demand – Access to content via an app

Bonus #5 – Your journey continues – experience more inspirational adventures

The best part is that as a founding member, you will get all of this for a huge discount!

Professionals who calm their minds with Mindset in Moments can get a sense of freedom and we'll celebrate!

Special Offer

When I do the full public launch I’m going to charge $1,495 for this program.

The reason for giving you this huge discount….

I’m looking for 10 founding members, who I can work closely with over 6 weeks, to give each member incredible results.

I’m also looking for future testimonials for Mindset in Moments – a journey for your mind.

Interested in becoming a Tranquil Mind Traveller?

All this is available to you for $495.

DM me and I will personally send you the details.

It’s that simple.

PS. You might be thinking …. What’s the catch? Well, there’s no catch. I’m simply looking to test my new program and get some testimonials before releasing it to the wider public at the full price.

So if this appeals to you, don’t wait. Send me a message using my contact.