Mindset in Moments is for you to explore the world and your mindset.

Your Emotional Experiences and Imagination are Key to Mindset in Moments

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Your Emotional Experiences and Imagination are key to Mindset in Moments. They increase your vitality

Your Emotional Experiences and Imagination are Key to Mindset in Moments

Mindset in Moments is different to other methods used to calm the mind. It isn’t about sitting still and focusing on your breathing. It isn’t the usual guided meditation. Instead I start you on a journey and we see where it takes you. It is your emotional experiences and imagination that are key to Mindset in Moments.

With so many videos and webinars now there is one presenter giving you their point of view.

Mindset in Moments is about taking you on a journey. It isn’t me telling you my views or giving you a ‘how to’ session. Rather it is me inviting you to tune into where the journey takes you. There will be tips and tricks along the way for managing your mindset. It is an adventure for all of us. Together we will virtually visit so many destinations. Shifting your mindset based on an adventure will give you a sense of vitality.

Calming your mind allows you to focus. You may want to focus on the next challenge, or on your loved ones.

Mindset in Moments will Help You Focus

In the past, if I left my mind to ‘do it’s thing’, I became overwhelmed with overthinking. What if this? What if that? Should I do this? Should I do that? Why did I do that? All in rapid succession. I found over time that this isn’t helpful. In fact it is very unhelpful. My stress levels increased, I found it hard to get to sleep and I would work myself up over nothing.

With years of working on calming my mind my whole life has taken on a relaxed feel. People at work comment on how calm I am. I’m proud of this given my demanding role.

Once you find ways to calm your mind you find you are able to focus on what matters to you. You have more space in your life once you reduce the internal worrying.

Do you like the sound of that? If you’d like to join me for Mindset in Moments send me a message via my contact.

Mindset in Moments also builds your connections. With a community of professionals who love to travel the bonds form fast.

Connecting and Sharing is Great for Your Mindset

There is a Mindset in Moments community who connect in the Travel Lounge. Laughter and sharing experiences at weekly catch-ups connect the community of Tranquil Mind Travellers. I’ve often heard it said – Connections are what life is all about. Fun and adventure is a fabulous foundation.

Mindset in Moments is about exploring - starting with the wonderful world around us and delving into our minds.

Exploring is Key to Mindset in Moments

Exploring is key to Mindset in Moments. We start by exploring wonderful places around the world and also delve into exploring our mindset. This makes the journey very different to ‘watch the breath’ practices. As with all programs the more you put in the more you’ll get out of it. I’m looking forward to our travels together.

Your Emotional Experiences and Imagination are Key to Mindset in Moments so don't miss out. Let's go on an adventure together.

Applications are closing soon

On 20 February 2023 the applications for Mindset in Moments close. Don’t miss out. Send me a message via my contact form and I’ll send you a short online form.

Here’s to a wonderful world trip
