Sturt desert peas

Create a Calm and Tranquil Mind in Moments

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Tree ferns reflected in water can calm your mind
Tranquility Bussaco, Portugal Photo by Jules Baker

Calm Your Mind

For me an important component of work-life balance is calming my mind. At work I face many challenges – often stressful. Being able to remove myself from these internal battles at work is useful. Being able to calm my mind outside work is essential. Do you relate to that? Focusing your mind enables you to tap into Modern Day Magic.

Improve Work-Life Balance

As humans we are way too good at focusing on the negative. We dwell on the disasters. These concerns consume so much of our brain power. We re-live the moments. We increase our stress levels and we build our suffering. All internally. All in silence.

It is how you switch off from this that is much more useful.

How do you calm your mind?

How do you slow down your racing thoughts?  

Ocean views can calm your mind
Peaceful Bay of Fires, Tasmania Photo by Jules Baker

Mindset ‘n Moments

Over the years I have developed many methods to calm my mind. What I have learned is that although there are similarities between us, there are times when we tread our own paths.  It is for this reasons that I invite you on a journey.  I call it Mindset ‘n Moments. This link will take you to my app. Together we’ll travel to places I’ve been. Then we’ll see where it takes you. All of it is designed to train your mind to switch paths, slow down and enjoy a state of calm.

Beautiful Grevilleas can calm your mind
Beauty Grevillea Photo by Jules Baker

Experience a Calm Mind

Interested? As the name Mindset ‘n Moments indicates I want you to experience the journey of your mind for a few minutes, after listening to a short spiel from me. It is all designed to take just a few moments – at any time that suits you.

I’m really looking forward to see where we go together.

Waterfall over rocks can calm your mind
Calmness Gibraltar Falls, Australian Capital Territory Photo by Jules Baker