Holiday Spirit – A journey to relax your mind, tap into positive emotions & more

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Holiday Spirit - Stanley Tasmania Australia
Stanley, Tasmania, Australia

Holiday Spirit

Do you get excited when you are about to go on holidays? Let’s call the feeling Holiday Spirit. That feeling of excitement and anticipation is so intoxicating- getting away from work, going to a stunning place to relax and unwind, travelling with people you love- taking holidays and leave is an important part of work life balance.

Stream at Nelson Falls, Tasmania, Australia
Nelson Falls, Tasmania, Australia

Tap into your mindset

You might be thinking. Yes, it’s a fantastic feeling, but I only have it when I’m about to go on holiday. I’d like to show you that it is possible to tap into this feeling any time you like! This is just one of the many benefits of looking at what you can do with your mindset.

Holiday Spirit - Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia
Ferns at Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia

Holiday adventure when it suits you

If you’re a professional with a hectic schedule, family and work commitments and your next holiday weeks or months away, then Holiday Spirit will be ideal. It is designed to take just a few minutes a day over a 6 week period. Holiday Spirit is a journey for your mind designed to take you on an adventure, whenever it suits you. If you’d like to see more about calming your mind see Create a Calm and Tranquil Mindset in Moments.

Holiday Spirit - Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia

Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia

A travel journey for your mind

Given my love of travel I’d love to share my Holiday Spirit journey with you. I’ll start you on a journey and see where it takes you. Holiday Spirit will enable you to calm your mind, access positive emotions at will, recognise the beauty in the world around you and focus on what really matters.

Ocean view from Stanley, Tasmania, Australia
Stanley, Tasmania, Australia

Relax and train your mind

Holiday Spirit is about to kick off on 29 June 2022. If you are interested in being part of the development of this wonderful adventure I’m looking for 10 professionals. Creating work-life balance is key to my business and mindset is a great place to start on a work-life balance journey. Creating a calm mind enables a feeling of peace and relaxation. This ability to unwind and accessing a feeling of peace impacts all areas of your life.

If you’re interested email me and I’ll send you more details.